Enhance Patient Health with Remote Patient Monitoring

 Leverage our advanced technology to remotely monitor patient health, enabling early detection, proactive care, improved outcomes, and new revenue streams.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

Uses cellular-enabled devices such as blood pressure monitors, glucometers, and pulse oximeters to deliver real-time health insights. This approach enhances patient outcomes and engagement, provides home-based care, and generates new revenue streams for your practice.

Benefits of RPM

Why choose Wellness Connection?

Our RPM solution provides real-time monitoring, improving care quality, outcomes, and efficiency.

Dedicated Customer Success And Engagement Managers
Reduced Workload - Our RPM software reduces providers workload by automating data collection, enabling real-time monitoring, and streamlining patient care, allowing focus on critical cases.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) CPT Codes

CPT Code 99453

For initial set-up, monitoring, and educating patients on using the equipment

Average payment for RPM CPT Code 99453 – $20*

CPT Code 99454

For continued monitoring over 16 days.

Average payment for RPM CPT Code 99454 – $47*

CPT Code 99457

For initial 20 minutes of clinical monitoring time per month

Average payment for RPM CPT Code 99457 – $48*

CPT Code 99458

For each additional 20 minutes of clinical monitoring time per month.

Average payment for RPM CPT Code 99458 – $39*

* Figures are averages across commercial payers

Enhance patient Outcomes and boost clinic revenue with our RPM solution

Enhance care with Remote Patient Monitoring, enabling proactive, informed decisions through real-time data.